Our Sixth Form Standards
Dress Code
- Wear smart and professional clothing that is suitable for learning.
- Hoodies, sportswear, and inappropriate clothing are not allowed.
- Coats must be removed inside the building.
Lesson Expectations
- A Do Now Task will be on the board at the start of every lesson – begin this immediately when you arrive.
- Be actively involved in discussions and group work.
- Show respect and professionalism at all times.
- Show commitment and enthusiasm for learning by staying motivated, working hard, and taking responsibility for independent study.
- Use your directed study time wisely to stay on top of your work.
Sixth Form Responsibilities
- No Phones – Phones must be switched off and put away during lessons (including charging in class).
- No Earphones – Earphones must be removed before entering the classroom.
- Be on time and bring all necessary materials, including a Chromebook if required.
Respect the Learning Environment
- Keep classrooms and shared areas clean and tidy.
- Engage positively with peers and teachers to create a supportive and focused learning space.
"Life in all its fullness"