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At St Peter’s and St Regis Collegiate Sith Form our job is to make sure all our students flourish. That means to be well prepared for each challenge, ready to help others, happy, and to grow the best version of themselves. If a young person joins us, they can expect to be successful. Our Sixth Formers find their success with us by looking at four connected things.

Passing Exams

This is often the main reason young people join our Sixth Form. We measure our own success through the achievements of our students - who should expect to achieve the exam grades they need. Our team of excellent teachers and mentors are ready to help students organize themselves, stay motivated and deliver their best in exams.

Future Planning

Alongside all the academic study we have an experienced team of staff focused upon preparation for further education and employment. Support is available for whatever the next steps are. If a student wants to go to a university we have support to help prepare them for entry and find the right college. We offer individual support for those students looking for elite universities. There are visits to and from universities near and far. Students who like the idea of further study whilst earning some money will benefit from our apprenticeship advice and guidance. We have made strong connections with employers and can help our students make important decisions based on their own experiences of work.


Enrichment experiences can be almost anything that helps a young person as they develop. We think it is important to provide young people with as many experiences as possible. It helps puts the study and planning into a healthy context. Our team spend their time working with each student to decide which are the best activities, trips, and experiences for them. The menu available to all students includes access to free sports facilities, trips to universities, companies, art venues and exciting places in this and other countries.

Enjoying life now

The ages between 16 and 18 are arguably the most difficult to navigate. During these years young people are busy becoming adults, seeking some independence, and deciding what they want – all with the added pressure of some very difficult exams, applications for university or apprenticeships or a good job. It is therefore possible for everyone to forget that life should be good now! We think happy young people make the most successful students. With that in mind we have created spaces and have staff ready to help our students find their way and be happy. Being well supported, having someone to talk to, being organized and having things to look forward to helps make sure our Sixth Form is the place where young people are confident and equipped with whatever comes next.

E. Leek

E Leek

Mrs E Leek 

Director of Post 16: Three Spires Trust. 


Our Sixth Form Team

St Peter's - Mrs Beeston Head of Sixth Form

         Deputy of Sixth Mr Dulson

         6th Form Admin and Attendance Angela Basra -

         Post 16 Learning Mentor Adam Jenkins


St Regis - Dr V Allen  - (Head of Sixth)

            TBC - 6th Form Admin 

        Mr R Allen  r.allen@kings (lead tutor)   


Basketball Academy  Coach Anderson

                  Coach Hollyhomes

                  Coach Ruddock


Sixth Form Open Day

9th November - St Peter's

2nd May - St Regis (TBC)

BBA recruitment days (TBC)

Sixth Form Admissions Process

How to apply?

We welcome applications from all students across the city.

Due to the nature of the collaborative sixth form provision, all students at St Peter’s and St
Regis Collegiate sixth form will have a ‘home’ school. This is where students will have either;
the majority of their subjects or where they will have their form time and pastoral support.

For the purpose of admissions students will either be an ‘internal’ applicant or an ‘external’
applicant. For clarity an internal student is a student in Year 11 applying for their current
school. An external student is a Y11 student applying for any other school that is not their
current school.

Both campus’ have their own application process so if you particularly want to be at St
Peter’s or St Regis please apply through the respective schools directly. Links are below.
Students are allowed to apply and hold offers from more than one sixth form provision.

Admissions will go live on Friday 10th November at 9am

Applications for both schools is through the Applicaa Admissions Platform

All ‘Internal’ students will have a welcome email sent to them at 9am on the 10 th November.
All ‘external’ students will be able to apply from 9am on the 10 th using the links below:

St Peter’s Admissions: Click Here  

St Regis: Click Here 

Students applying for the Basketball Academy will need to do so through one of the home
schools. They will indicate their interest in the Basketball Academy as part of the application

All students that apply to either St Peter’s or St Regis will have a 1-2-1 careers interview in
the Spring term – January 2024.
Enrolment will take place on results day August 22nd 2024.

Entry Requirments 

Sixth Form Enhancement and Enrichment Programme

At St Peter’s we aim to realise every child’s God-given potential and this is also applied to our Enrichment Programme. This compulsory module allows students to create their own bespoke extra-curricular enrichment from 6 different categories, known as ‘roads’, which will continue to build on and expand their interests beyond what they learn in the classroom. The roads available to students are Academic, Athletics and the Arts, Practical Skills, Work Experience, Academy Community, and Charity, and each is connected to our school ethos as they are linked with a core Christian value. Each half term, students will choose a different road to explore, for example, a student may choose to participate in ‘Crash Course University Cooking’ in the Practical Skills road for the first half term and then the following half term explore the ‘Film Club’ option in the Athletics and the Arts road. This ensures a holistic approach to education in St Peter’s Sixth Form and provides students with many experiences that can be useful for their own wellbeing as well as for future university, apprenticeship, and job applications. Other Activities may also include Duke of Edinburgh programme, Reading Ambassadors, Prom Team, Media Team to name a few , a full list will be made available soon.


Sixth Form Uniform

We pride ourselves on our young people looking smart at all times. We believe this will prepare our young people for their chosen careers after Sixth Form.

Read more here

Benefits/Incentives of a St Peter's & St Regis Student

  • Paid for Driving Licence
  • First Aid course 
  • Gym Facilities
  • Free Shuttle between Sites
  • 1-2-1 Devices for Students
  • Swimming Pool
  • Access to VESPA Academy 

Is there any financial support available?

Yes. If you find that financial circumstances are a barrier to you studying then we will help you access financial support. The government Bursary Fund supports 16 to 19 year old students who face financial difficulties and those who most need help are supported with the costs of staying in education.

At St Peter’s we are able to award discretionary bursaries to individual students. These awards are intended to help students stay in education by removing the financial barriers they may otherwise face. Awards can be made to help students with costs in the following areas:

  • transport
  • meals
  • books
  • Equipment
  • Uniform

For more information please see our Bursary Fund Policy on our policies page.

16-18 Bursary Fund Application 2022-2023

Safeguarding at St Peter’s

At St Peter’s & St Regis we are committed to the safeguarding of children, it is important for students to feel that they are able to do their best and achieve their true potential, in the Sixth Form we have a specialist Safeguarding member of staff.  Click the link below for more information

Read more here

Work Experience Programme

Careers Guidance makes a major contribution in preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life, in order to help them make a successful transition to adulthood.

Read more here

Life After St Peter’s

Please see our destination map here

Additional Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities ( SEND) Provision extends to all Pupils in the Academy. Click on the link below to find out more.

Read more here

Behaviour and Values

For more information please find our Behaviour Policy on the policies page

UCAS Presentation

UCAS Application Guide

UCAS Applying for Course 

Have a question?

We know that looking for a Post 16 place to study is a difficult task, we feel with over thirty five courses on offer we have something for everyone. Each year we have many external applicants who successfully enrol into our Sixth Form, in fact, this year our Head Girl was indeed an external applicant. In Sixth Form we have a dedicated Administrator(Angela) who will be more than happy to answer queries you may have regarding the application process.