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We are aiming for over 97% attendance throughout our school.  Being at school as much as possible gives students the best start and the best chance of being successful. This means being 'ON TIME EVERY TIME'.

  • Sixth Form students with high attendance perform better in their exams and BTEC courses.
  • Sixth Form students are expected to attend school every day.
  • When unavoidable absences occur, you should contact the school and provide a valid reason for not attending - parents/carers should email: (St Peter's Collegiate Academy), or (St Regis C of E Academy).
  • Absences for GP appointments, and visits to A&E for minor ailments, are too high. Most minor ailments, coughs and colds can be treated by visiting a Pharmacist.
  • Routine appointments should be booked outside of school hours.
  • Driving lessons, driving tests and any paid work/employment should be undertaken outside of school hours.
  • If a student’s attendance falls below 95%, we will contact home to put strategies in place for improving this percentage.